8 reasons why men and women think differently.

8 reasons why men and women think differently. Women are the best scorekeepers, they take all their efforts to heart, they are convinced that one day the scores will be even, and sooner or later the men will thank them and pay all their debts, and then the women will be able to easily receive the care of men. And men are like firemen; if any place is on fire, they do their best to put it out; when there is no fire, they sleep at home and nurse their strength to put out the next fire. In this article I will write to you 8 reasons why men and women think differently. This is a quote written by John Gray in "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" and aptly points out the difference between men and women. And that difference, too, is largely cognitive. John Gray, PhD in psychology, is an internationally renowned researcher on relationships and emotions. He spent a full seven years consulting and surveying 25,000 people to launch Men Are From Mars, Women Are F...